
Welcome to our library where we will keep links to some publicly available documents which may be of interest. Most of this information is a number of years old and is kept as an archive.

For the latest documentation please log in to the Members' Area and click on Reports.

Please note that some of the documents are quite large and may take some time to download.

Franchise policy review documentation

Conservative Rail Review Getting the Best for Passengers February 2009 (a larger document at 1.64MB)

Present Northern franchise briefings (Please note: this is only viewable by members once logged in)

DfT Rolling Stock Plan January 2008 (downloads an external document)

DfT Railway White Papers - Sustainable Railways and White Paper Summary Booklet July 2007

Press Release from March 2007 detailing the leasing of 158s to Northern

Tyne Valley Rail Study Executive Summary (Nov 2005). Commissioned by the Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership and Nexus, with additional support from Northumberland County Council. This study produces a series of recommendations for improving rail services and facilities, increasing patronage and better integration along the Newcastle - Carlisle Tyne Valley Line.