TVRUG member, Graham Jellett's most recent powerpoint presentation on French Light Rail last given to a live audience in November 2019, contains 289 slides of photographs, (all taken by the author except for 2 tramways new in 2019), of all 23 French steel-wheel tramways inaugurated from 2000 onwards plus his own tables of data relating to all 46 light rail systems, (metros, tramways and tram-trains), currently operating in France.
Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership
Red Spooted Hanky Use this site to plan your rail journey and book your tickets. It appears to give all the possibilities for a journey and displays them on one page including times, costs and restrictions.
Chester-le-track A place to find rail information and book tickets.
Traveline Plan a journey using the Traveline site.
Robert Forsyth's Blog Robert Forsyth's Blog which is mainly on Transport.
Northumberland Railway Photos. An external website providing a collection of railway photos taken in Northumberland.
Campaign for Better Transport.